Welcome from Missi, Avian Ambassador at Wild Bird Rescue, Inc.

I came to Wild Bird Rescue in the summer of 2009. Some woman found me on the ground and picked me up. Good thing she knew what to do. She took me to Wild Bird Rescue. At the door, a nice lady named Lila, picked me up and took me into a room called the infirmary. After a complete exam, Lila put me in this large box called a carrier. I stayed there for a few weeks while everyone decided what to do with me. Because I had completely lost my left eye, I would not do well if released back into the wild. The Migratory Bird Act of 1918 says I have to be releasable or be euthanized. Lucky for me Wild Bird Rescue decided to keep me around as their first education bird. I like to be called their Avian Ambassador...I think that sounds more important. Don't you? I will be going out to schools in the fall to help with presentations. I wonder if I get to use PowerPoint? I hope you enjoy keeping up with my trials and tribulations while I am learning how to work on the glove.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010

I smelled something really bad at the rescue center the other day.  I asked Lila what was going on.  She explained we had a turkey vulture come in which couldn’t fly.  She proceeded to fill me in on the turkey vulture’s natural history. Vultures are best known for their practice of feeding on dead animal carcasses.  So that’s what I smelled!  The turkey vulture is one of North America's largest birds of prey. It reaches a length of 32 inches with a wing span of 6 feet. The turkey vulture has few natural predators.  Its primary form of defense is vomiting. They simply cough up a lump of semi-digested meat.  This foul smelling substance deters most creatures.  I’ll say, it sure deterred me…I wouldn’t come within a hundreds yards of that smelly bird!  The turkey vulture often directs its urine right onto its legs.  In the summertime, wetting the legs cools the vulture, as the urine evaporates.  Okay…OKAY!  I’ve heard enough…too much information!  Phee Phew!

Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010

My friend Gail Barnes will be coming to Wild Bird Rescue on Friday.  Lila knows her too.  Gail is the Education Coordinator for South Plains Wildlife Rehabiltation Center in Lubbock, Texas.  She helped Lila in establishing the first eduational program at Wild Bird Rescue which includes me...the one-eyed Mississippi Kite.  Gail also has a Mississippi Kite named Windy.  Windy was found in some crude oil out in an oil field.  Unfortuantely, the oil has damaged her feathers to the point where Windy will never be able to fly again.  Thanks Gail for saving Windy's life and giving her a permanant home.  Phee Phew!

Friday, October 15, 2010

October 15, 2010

Awwww....the weekend.  Maybe the staff will let me sleep in tomorrow.  I don't like morning feedings before the sun is up!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 13, 2010

Brrrrrrrr....it is so cold this morning. When I am cold, I can ruffle my feathers to help insulate my body. Once the temperature gets consistently below 40-45 degrees, I'll have to start spending my nights inside. Luckily for me, Bob or Lila will take me out to my mew as temperatures start to warm up for the day so I can catch a little sun and fresh air. It sure is nice be waited on hand and foot...ummmmm....wing and talon!

Phee Phew!

Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8, 2010

Tomorrow I will be at River Bend Nature Center for the Ecofair.  I am bringing Lila along for moral support.  She will make a presentation at 11:30.  I hope you get a chance to stop by to see us.  Lila will also have handouts and color pages.  Plus Wild Bird Rescue will also have a booth with many cool items for sell.  I hope to see you there!  Phee Phew!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 7, 2010

I feel blessed…no really I do!  I was part of the Blessing of the Animals at Park Place Christian Church.  Reverend Alice was so nice to me.  She stroked my breast while she said a prayer for me and all the other birds at Wild Bird Rescue.  Lila normally would never let anyone touch me but this was special.   Reverend Alice was so soft and gentle.  I was not afraid.   Reverend Alice and I hope all the birds coming through Wild Bird Rescue will find healing and health so they may be returned to the Wild.   Phee Phew!